Tuesday 9 May 2017

Buddhist Sayings and Quotes

The reason Buddhism can be so naturalised is because, stripped of its supernatural elements, its core teachings can be giving a sound, secular philosophical interpretation. In other words, it becomes a religion acceptable to the contemporary, naturalistic mind only when it ceases to be a religion.    

Julian Baggini

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.

Dalai Lama

Those who see worldly life as an obstacle to Dharma see no Dharma in everyday actions. They have not yet discovered that there are no everyday actions outside of Dharma.

Dogen Zenji

All suffering is caused by one belief....the belief in separation.    

Vivian Amis

To study Buddhism is to study ourselves. To study ourselves is to forget ourselves.    

Dogen Zenji

Harmonizing opposites by going back to their source is the distinctive quality of the Zen attitude, the Middle Way: embracing contradictions, making a synthesis of them, achieving balance.    

Taisen Deshimaru

The one who has conquered himself is a far greater hero than he who has defeated a thousand times a thousand men.    


Buddhism is really, one of its main practices is understanding and experiencing compassion, and how that ultimately is a road to happiness.    

Goldie Hawn

One who conquers himself is greater than another who conquers a thousand times a thousand on the battlefield.    


If you want to experience the unalloyed ecstasy of life, you can accomplish this through the twin Buddhist practices of meditation and mindfulness.    

Frederick Lenz

Buddhism teaches you to embrace change.

Koo Stark

Buddhism is all about finding your own way, not imitating the ways of others or even the ways of Buddha himself.

Brad Warner

Buddhism talks about the possibility of transforming greed, hatred, and delusion. But sometimes need turns into greed.    

Jack Kornfield

I come to realize that mind is no other than mountains and rivers and the great wide earth, the sun and the moon and stars.

Dogen Zenji

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.    

Nhat Hanh

In Buddhism what we seek to do is change ourselves into someone who's beautiful to be.    

Frederick Lenz

Buddhism itself is all about empowering yourself, not about getting what you want.    

Pema Chodron

Here in this body are the sacred rivers, here are the sun and moon, as well as the pilgrimage places. I have not encountered another temple as blissful as my own body    


You should study not only that you become a mother when your child is born, but also that you become a child.

Dogen Zenji

Buddhism doesn't tell you what is false and what is true but it encourages you to find out for yourself.

Chogyam Trungpa

Buddhism is the process of getting to that part of us that is always eternally happy.

Frederick Lenz

Buddhism doesn't come from anybody. It exists by itself.

Frederick Lenz

For as long as space remains, For as long as sentient beings remain, Until then may I too remain to dispel the miseries of the world.

Acharya Shantideva

In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.    


Returning to where it used to see blossoms, My mind, changed, Will stay on at Yoshino... Home now, and see anew.    


The point of the spiritual revolution is not to become a good Buddhist, but to become a wise and compassionate human being, to awaken from our life of complacency and ignorance and to be a buddha.    

Noah Levine

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.

Gautama Buddha

Zen Buddhism is a discipline where belief isn't necessary.    

David Sylvian

Buddhism has a very beautiful teaching that says the worst thing you can do to your soul is to tell someone their faith is wrong.

Ricky Martin

The tongue like a sharp knife ... Kills without drawing blood.

Gautama Buddha

Buddhism isn't about temples, and incense, and shaved heads, and robes. It's not about church. There are aspects of Buddhism that involve that. People enjoy that, it helps them, it strengthens their practice.

Frederick Lenz

Buddhism does not deny the existence of gods—they are described as powerful beings who can bring rains and victories—but they have no influence on the law that suffering arises from craving. If the mind of a person is free of all craving, no god can make him miserable. Conversely, once craving arises in a person's mind, all the gods in the universe cannot save him from suffering.    

Yuval Noah Harari

Buddhism is simply a methodology, a way of becoming one with the part of ourselves that is happy.    

Frederick Lenz

In Buddhism there are words you can say... as you say the words with rhythm the conscious tells the subconscious.    

Tina Turner

Having dreams without enthusiasm is like a bird living in a cage.    

Debasish Mridha

Buddhism has become a socially recognized religious philosophy for Americans, whereas it used to be considered an exotic religion.

Thurston Moore

Try your best, before any rest. Life gets its beauty from the best.

Debasish Mridha

The knowledge of the past stays with us. To let go is simply to release any images and emotions.

Alan W. Watts

Buddhism notes that it is always a mistake to think your soul can go it alone.

Annie Dillard

Buddhism is the study of changing who we are, modifying or perhaps totally restructuring ourselves as perceivers.    

Frederick Lenz

Buddhism teaches us not to try to run away from suffering. You have to confront suffering. You have to look deeply into the nature of suffering in order to recognize its cause, the making of the suffering.    

Thich Nhat Hanh

Buddhism has turned me on to my humanness, and is challenging my humanness so that I can become more human.    

Herbie Hancock

Life is not about reality. It is about how you perceive it.    

Debasish Mridha

Buddhism is the study of how to be immeasurably happy.    

Frederick Lenz

It is not a Buddhist approach to say that if everyone practiced Buddhism, the world would be a better place. Wars and oppression begin from this kind of thinking.

Sulak Sivaraksa

Zen is not some kind of excitement, but concentration on our usual everyday routine.    

Shunryu Suzuki

Buddhism is more a philosophy for living rather than a religion or dogma - it's about being awake, free from illusions and fear, so that compassion and loving kindness permeates all of our relationships.    

Charlotte Kasl

In a mind clear as still water, even the waves, breaking, are reflecting its light.

Dogen Zenji

People go through life blindly, ignoring death like revellers at a party feasting on fine foods. They ignore that later they will have to go to the toilet, so they do not bother to find out where there is one. When nature finally calls, they have no idea where to go and are in a mess.

Ajahn Chah

Life is dear to all beings, they have the right to live the same that we do.    

Gautama Buddha

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